Monday, January 23, 2006

Under a week to go

The increase in email activity between Jen, Jeremiah, Ajay and I towards the end of last week signalled that the final week of preparations were nearing. Are meds lined up? VISAs applications sent? How do you plan on carrying 4 liters of water for the 10-12 hour hike on summit day in a manner so that it doesn't freeze? As of today, Jeremiah is still hoping to be able to make the trip by trying to get this vacation time to merge with his work schedule. Jen had plans to give her gear a test run with a local hike on some nearby trails hearing in DC. Ajay is trying to get in as much training and trip preparation on top of work and studying for board exams that he will take this Saturday, the day before we leave. I took a hiatus from all things backpack, boots, and treadmill related and travelled up to NYC with Lisa to visit some friends. This week preparation will probably shift from conditioning to making sure gear is together. Although I think I've got everything, I have yet to throw it together into one big pile.

I'm starting to get a little bit ansy about trying to tie together all the loose ends, knowing that I still have a lot of work that needs to be done in the next week.


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