Sunday, January 08, 2006

Getting In Shape

An email from Ajay last December:

I started my official training regime today. I had been running to stay in aerobic shape, but started on the feet, back, and legs. The few things that can make the trip harder are:
1. blisters
2. blisters
3. blisters
4. raw back from the pack
5. sore legs/hips

So I joined the health club down the street, showed up in my exact socks and boots wearing my day pack weighed down with clothes and 2L of water, and did the elliptical machine at highest ramp, then the stairmaster at the highest ramp, and then did free weight lunges. It is a pretty good workout for the type of climbing we are doing. I am sore indeed, but better to get it out now and strengthen the knees and ankles and make some calluses in the boots. I plan on doing this every day or so until the week before we go.


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